Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sweet JMCK

Photo #3

 exposure: 1/100sec f/stop: 5.6 iso: 200
After discussing a few ideas with Marione today, JMCK will definitely have a shoot sometime next week. I won't say what our theme will be but it should be pretty cool.You'll see our finished shots when we're done and happy with them. I don't know if a couple of members know if I even have a blog yet but if you're reading this, expect a few messages on details about next week from me. Also I think its time for a group meeting.

Doing a few studio shots and experimenting with my flashes is pretty fun. I'll do my first tutorial tomorrow on different types of flash techniques and wireless flash too. Any suggestions on any other type of tutorial would be welcomed as well. I wish I had a proper video camera though cause it would be so much easier to record and upload to youtube. Oh well in time it'll happen. And I also plan to do a review of one of my lenses soon. The Tamron 17-50mm 2.8, which is available in Canon, Nikon, Sony and Pentax mounts.

Also I have some news that I haven't really told anyone. A online tourist guide site called Schamp emailed me one day and asked if they could use one of my photos for their tourist guide from Sculptures by the sea. I straight away said yes and though I didn't get paid for it, my photo is credited and its a good opportunity to get my name out there. That was pretty exciting. Makes me want to do more events and do some freelance work.

PMA is coming up soon! Can't wait to see all the new gear that gets announced. Hoping for new sony lenses and a700 replacement. *fingers crossed*

That's all the news for now.
Take care everyone and thanks for reading =)

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